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来源:威廉希尔中文网站    作者:威廉希尔中文网站   日期:2024/04/07  浏览:

白婷,女,2021年毕业于武汉大学,获工学博士学位,期间在纽约州立大学布法罗分校进行博士联合培养18个月,主要从事深度学习、变化检测、图像分析与处理、计算机视觉方法与应用研究。近年来在图像处理与视觉分析领域发表论文15篇,其中SCI论文12篇(第一作者5篇)、CSCD期刊论文2篇(第一作者1篇)、EI论文1篇(第一作者1篇),且以第一作者发表ESI全球高被引论文一篇。同时,还荣获4项专利授权,先后参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、高分专项、中央财政自主研究课题及军队科研项目等10余项,先后担任《IEEE TGRS》《European Journal of Remote Sensing》《International Journal of Remote Sensing》等期刊的审稿人。













(1)Bai T, An Q,Deng S, et al. A Novel UNet 3+ Change Detection Method Considering Scale Uncertainty in High-Resolution Imagery. Remote Sensing,2024,16,1846. (First author,SCI期刊论文)

(2)Bai T,Wang L, Yin D, et al. Deep learning for change detection in remote sensing: a review[J]. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2023, 26(3): 262-288.(First author,SCI一区论文,ESI全球高被引论文,Excellent Paper Award)

(3)白婷等.基于人工智能和遥感技术的城市更新单元识别方法研究及应用[J].自然资源学报, 2023, 38(6): 1517-1531. (First author,CSCD期刊论文)

(4)Bai T,Sun K, Li W, et al. A novel class-specific object-based method for urban change detection using high-resolution remote sensing imagery[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2021, 87(4): 249-262; (First author,SCI期刊论文)

(5)Bai T,Sun K, Deng S, et al. Multi-scale hierarchical sampling change detection using Random Forest for high-resolution satellite imagery[J]. International journal of remote sensing, 2018, 39(21): 7523-7546.; (First author,SCI期刊论文)

(6)Bai T,Li D, Sun K, et al. Cloud detection for high-resolution satellite imagery using machine learning and multi-feature fusion[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(9): 715; (First author,SCI期刊论文)

(7)Bai T, Sun K, Deng S, et al. Comparison of four machine learning methods for object-oriented change detection in high-resolution satellite imagery[C]//Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. 2018, 10611; (First author,EI会议论文)

(8) Chen, Y., Sun, K., Li, D.,Bai, T, & Huang, C. (2017). Radiometric cross-calibration of GF-4 pms sensor based on assimilation of landsat-8 oli images. Remote Sensing, 9(8), 811. (Fourth author,SCI期刊论文)

(9) Li, W., Sun, K., Li, D.,Bai, T, & Sui, H. (2017). A New Approach to Performing Bundle Adjustment for Time Series UAV Images 3D Building Change Detection. Remote Sensing, 9(6), 625. (Fourth author,SCI期刊论文)

(10) Li, W., Sun, K., Li, D., &Bai, T. (2016). Algorithm for automatic image dodging of unmanned aerial vehicle images using two-dimensional radiometric spatial attributes. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10(3), 036023-036023. (Fourth author,SCI期刊论文)

(11) Chen, Y., Sun, K., Chen, C.,Bai, T, Park, T., Wang, W., & Myneni, R. B. (2019). Generation and Evaluation of LAI and FPAR Products from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Data. Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1517. (Fourth author,SCI期刊论文)

(12) Chen, Y., Sun, K., Li, D.,Bai, T, & Li, W. (2018). Improved relative radiometric normalization method of remote sensing images for change detection. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(4), 045018. (Fourth author,SCI期刊论文)

(13) Chen, Y.; Sun, K.; Li, W.; Hu, X.; Li, P.;Bai, T. VicariousCalibration of FengYun-3D MERSI-II at Railroad Valley Playa Site: A Casefor Sensors with Large View Angles.Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1347. (Sixth author,SCI期刊论文)

(14)Chen, Y., Sun, K., Li, W., Chen, C., Li, P.,Bai, T., ... & Myneni, R. B. (2021). Prototyping of LAI and FPAR retrievals from GOES-16 advanced baseline imager data using global optimizing algorithm. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 6937-6950. (Sixth author,SCI期刊论文)

(15)陈业培,孙开敏,白婷,彭亚军.高分二号影像融合方法质量评价[J].测绘科学, 2017, 42(11): 35-40. (thirdauthor,CSCD期刊论文)


(1)基于随机森林的多尺度分层采样的高分卫星影像变化检测方法:ZL 201810214301.2,2020-04-24。

(2)基于多特征综合及机器学习的高分卫星影像云检测方法:ZL 201610132801.2,2018-10-09。


(4)用于大观测角传感器的交叉辐射定标方法及系统:ZL 201710349402.6,2019-06-25。


(1)2023 Excellent Paper Award(Deep learning for change detection in remote sensing: a review).

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